Kali ni ibu nak join contest from MOBS.
Hadiahnya..wallah!!! Best!!! 10 hadiah tu...hehehe.
Teruja sungguh ibu nak join contest ni...mana tau rezeki anak ibu...(^_^).
Kwn2 nak join pun bleh...klik gambar dibwh ok...(^__^)
Hadiahnya..wallah!!! Best!!! 10 hadiah tu...hehehe.
Teruja sungguh ibu nak join contest ni...mana tau rezeki anak ibu...(^_^).
Kwn2 nak join pun bleh...klik gambar dibwh ok...(^__^)

Syarat2 untuk bloggers:
( untuk bukan bloggers leh tgk syarat2 di SINI)
1. Find your BEST LOOK-ALIKE photo (must include one parent and one child)- Done
2. Blog about it with the title "MOBS PARENTS LOOK A-LIKE CONTEST" (other title will be disqualified) - Done
3. Mention about the contest in your blog with links back to this contest page. - Done
4. Add our contest banner on your blog's sidebar/top page - Done
5. Be MOBS follower on blogspot, tweeter and/or Facebook (either one or all) - Done
6. Leave a comment HERE with
Tell us about the pics....
Your blog link + email address (no email will be disqualified) - Done
Gambar yang ibu pertaruhkan ialah:
( untuk bukan bloggers leh tgk syarat2 di SINI)
1. Find your BEST LOOK-ALIKE photo (must include one parent and one child)- Done
2. Blog about it with the title "MOBS PARENTS LOOK A-LIKE CONTEST" (other title will be disqualified) - Done
3. Mention about the contest in your blog with links back to this contest page. - Done
4. Add our contest banner on your blog's sidebar/top page - Done
5. Be MOBS follower on blogspot, tweeter and/or Facebook (either one or all) - Done
6. Leave a comment HERE with
Tell us about the pics....
Your blog link + email address (no email will be disqualified) - Done
Gambar yang ibu pertaruhkan ialah:
Parent Name : Mohamad Shahir bin Jaafar
Kid Names & Age: Nurul Iman Anith bt Mohamad Shahir ( 1 yr 2 months)
About the pics:
"Gambar ini di ambil semasa kami sekeluarga bercuti ke Kota Kinabalu pada 19-23 April 2010. Anith ni memang rupa parasnya ikut abah dia. Semua la boleh dikatakan semua ikut abah dia. Ikut ibu?? Hanya tone warna kulit kot..hehe. Dari kecil sampai la skrg Anith selalu dianggap mcm boy bila xpakai dress...bila dah explain baru la org tau Anith ni girl...hehehe. Anak abah katakan...:)"
Terima kasih sudi tinggalkan komen. Moga dimurahkan rezeki semua. Tunggu saya terjah balik yer..:)