MummyJene The Best Health & Beauty Tips Blog


MummyJene The Best Health & Beauty Tips Blog

Meaningful conversation is one key to a happier life - this is, according to Washington University. And this is why authentic friendship is essential to women. Real friendship offers an atmosphere of honesty, trust, empathy, and active listening. When women trust one another to open up and expect support and guidance in return, that is having a meaningful conversation. 

This is the same principle that I look into when choosing to follow women influencers. It should not only be about stories but should also include guidance on how to overcome common challenges. And as a work at home mom, finding the right friendship is more difficult due to its uniqueness. Unlike working moms reporting in an actual office, socialization is more common. Also, stay at home moms find their circle from similar activities such as community and school events. And this is a challenge that work-at-home moms are posed. She is both a stay at home and a working mom. 

MummyJene is your work at home mom bestie

Building friendships take overtime. During the early stages of acquaintances, small talks are the most common. The shared experiences, tips, and guidance will come after establishing an authentic friendship. And this is where MummyJene comes in. She is the woman who is always willing to share her guidance, her stories, and tips. The blog is dedicated to health, beauty, travel, and work at home tips. MummyJene speaks from her heart and her own experiences as a work at home mom. All her contents are written with you in mind. She hopes to publish only top-notch quality that is worthy of all MummyJene besties - and that’s you. 

Head on to her health page and discover tips that will help you understand your health on a personal level. She will also motivate you to start taking steps to achieve health and wellness. Start by reading her most popular posts. 

👉How COVID affecting children’s mental health
👉Tips for a healthy lifestyle

On her beauty page, you will also discover beauty tips that are highly applicable to busy moms. Her focus is to promote beauty tips for skin that can help skin fresh and lovely all the time. Head on to her most popular posts. 

👉Skincare regimen for busy mummy
👉The best beauty skincare routine for women

Still not convinced? What to expect from MummyJene? 

If you noticed, I started on the topic of authentic friendship and meaningful conversation. With MummyJene, she believed that the struggles of work at home, mom are finding the right support system. You need a friend who knows your need to be understood. Someone who can relate to your daily struggles and values your little victories. Someone who understands the actual value of work-life balance inside your homes. 

MummyJene is a work at home mom just like you. She loves to travel with her family, and she is an advocate for health and beauty for all women. Who doesn’t like a friend like that? Get in touch with Jene - the MummyJene Blogger. She’d love to hear your thoughts.

Part Time Blogger 
Niche Lifestyle, Parenting, Healthy, Beauty & Travel 
Collaboration & Review Blogger


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